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Introduction to Computer - CCC

 Model Questions


A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data according to the set of instructions called programs. It has the ability to store, retrieve and process data.

Input Devices:

An input device is a hardware device that sends data into the computer system. These devices are used

to input (or enter) data and instructions into the computer system.

1. Keyboard

2. Pointing Devices (used to communicate with the computer by pointing to the location on monitor)

    I. Mouse

    II. Light Pen

    III. Graphics Tablet

    IV. Touch Screen

    V. Joystick

     VI. Trackball

3. Scanner

4. MICR (Magnetic Character Recognition)

5. OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

6. OMR (Optical Mark Reader)

7. Barcode Reader

8. Microphone

9. Web Camera

10. Digital Camera

11. Biometric Sensor

12. Smart Card Reader

Output Devices:

  1. Monitor/Visual Display Unit (VDU)

a) Monochrome

b) Color display

      Types of Monitor

                I.      CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)

                 II.    LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

                 III. LED (Light Emitting Diode)

                 IV.     3-D Monitor

                 V.       TFT (Thin Film Transistor) & Active-Matrix LCD (AMLCD)

 2. Printer
  • The speed of a printer is normally rated either by Pages per Minute (PPM) or by Characters per Second (CPS).
  • Printer resolution is a numerical measure of print quality that is measured in Dots per Inch (DPI)

Impact Printers

  • Line Printer
  • Drum Printer
  • Daisy Wheel Printer
  • Dot Matrix Printer
    Non-impact Printers

  • Electromagnetic Printer
  • Thermal Printer
  • Electrostatic Printer
  • Laser Printer
  • Inkjet Printer

   3. Plotter
   4. Speaker
   5. Headphones
   6. Projector
   7. Speech Synthesizer

I. Primary Memory

It is also known as main memory. It is the internal memory used by computer to hold data and instructions.

Types of Primary Memory

(i) RAM

  • RAM stands for Random Access Memory. 
  • It is the internal memory that can be read from as well as written to.

The two main forms of RAM are as follows:

(a) Static RAM

  • It is also written as SRAM. 
  • It is a computer memory that requires a constant power flow in order to hold information. 
  • SRAM is more expensive and requires more power therefore, it is commonly used in cache and video card memory. 
  • It is faster than DRAM.

(b) Dynamic

  • It is also written as DRAM. 
  • It stores information in a cell containing a capacitor and transistor. 
  • These cells must be refreshed with electric impulses in few milliseconds. 
  • This process allows memory to keep charge and hold the data as long as needed.

(ii) ROM (Read Only Memory)

ROM is further sub-divided into three types:

(a) PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)

  • It is a computer memory chip capable of being programmed after it has been created.
  • Once the PROM has been programmed, the information written is permanent and cannot be erased or deleted.

(b) EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)

  • It is a computer memory chip on which the written information can be changed by exposing to ultra violet light.
  • It is just like a small glass circle that expose the chip that can be re-programmed.

(c) EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)

  •  It is a PROM that can be erased and reprogrammed using an electrical charge.

II. Secondary Memory/Storage Device Secondary memory

  • It is also known as Secondary Storage or Auxiliary Memory.
  • It is the slower and cheaper form of memory.
  • It is a permanent storage device.
  • CPU does not access the secondary memory directly.
  • The content in it must first be copied into the RAM to be processed.

        Magnetic Disks                      Optical Discs                          Solid State

        Floppy Disk                            CD Pen/                                   Flash Drive

        Hard Disk Drive                     DVD Magnetic Tape                Blu-ray Disc

   Units of Computer Memory Measurements

  • Bit (Binary digit) The smallest unit of data. It is either 0 or 1.

  • Nibble A group of 4 bits or half a byte.

  • Byte A group of 8 bits. A byte can represent 256 (2) distinct values, such as the integers from 0
             to 255. Each keyboard character is represented through at least 1 byte.

  • Kilobyte (KB) It is actually 2¹⁰ bytes or 1 KB = 1024 bytes.

  • Megabyte (MB) It is actually 2²⁰ bytes or 1 MB = 1024 KB.

  •  Gigabyte (GB) It is actually 2³⁰ bytes or 1 GB = 1024 MB.

  • Terabyte (TB) It is actually 2⁴⁰ bytes or 1 TB = 1024 GB.

  • Petabyte (PB) It is actually 2⁵⁰ bytes or 1 PB = 1024 TB.

  • Exabyte (EB) It is actually 2⁶⁰ bytes or 1 EB = 1024 PB.

  • Zettabyte (ZB) It is actually 2⁷⁰ bytes or 1 ZB = 1024 EB.

  • Yottabyte (YB) It is actually 2⁸⁰ bytes or 1 YB = 1024 ZB.

  • Brontobyte It is actually 2⁹⁰ bytes or 1 Brontobyte = 1024 YB

  • Geopbyte It is actually 2¹⁰⁰ bytes or 1 Geopbyte = 1024 Brontobyte.
Geopbyte is the highest and bit is the smallest memory measurement unit.

Generation of Computers

A generation refers to the state of improvement in the development of system. Computers are made up of electromechanical, before generation. Each generation of computer is characterized by a major technological development that fundamentally changed the way.

First Generation (1940-56):

  • Switching Device – Vacuum Tubes
  • Storage Device – Magnetic drums
  • Speed Measured – Milli Seconds
  • Operating System – Batch Operating system
  • Language – Machine Language (Binary Numbers 1 or 0)
  • Characteristics – Fastest Computing, Produces large amount of heat and non-portable
  • Applications – Scientific Application (ENIAC [Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer] and UNIVAC [Universal Automatic Computer])

Second Generation (1956-63):

  • Switching Device - Transistors
  • Storage Device – Magnetic Core
  • Speed Measured - Microseconds
  • Operating System – Timesharing and Multitasking
  • Language – Assembly language and High level language
  • Operating System – Timesharing and Multitasking
  • Language – Assembly language and High level language
  • Characteristics – Reliable and less prone to hardware failure
  • Applications- used for commercial purpose (IBM – 1000)

Third Generation (1964-71):

  • Switching Device – Integrated Circuits (IC)
  • Storage Device – Magnetic Core
  • Speed Measured - Nanoseconds
  • Operating System – Real-time system
  • Language – High level language (COBOL and FORTRAN IV)
  • Characteristics – Consumed less power, fast and more reliable
  • Applications – DBMS ex. PDP -11(Programmed Data Processor)

Fourth Generation (1971-Present):

  • Switching Device – VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) or Microprocessor
  • Storage Device – Semiconductor memory
  • Speed Measured – pico seconds
  • Operating System – Time sharing, Network and GUI Interface
  • Language – Pascal, COBOL etc
  • Characteristics – More reliable and portable
  • Applications – Distributed System (IBM-4341)

Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond):

  • Switching Device – SLSI (Super Large Scale Integrated), Bio chips
  • Storage Device – Optical Disk
  • Speed Measured –
  • Operating System - Knowledge Information Processing
  • Language – Natural Language
  • Characteristics – Able to recognize image and graph
  • Applications – Artificial Intelligence e.g. Robotics

Classification of Computers:

1.       1.       Based on Size

                                I.     Micro Computer

Ø  Desktop Computer or Personal Computer (PC)

Ø  Notebook

Ø  Handheld Computers or Palmtops

                              II.    Mini Computer

Ø  Computer Aided Design (CAD)

                            III.   Mainframe Computer

Computer that serves as a backbone for the entire business world. e.g. IBM-370,

IBM-S/390, UNIVAC-1110, etc.

                            IV.    Super Computer

PARAM was the first super computer of India introduced by C-DAC in Pune

2.        2.   Based on Work

                                I.     Analog Computer
Work on the supply of continuous electrical pulses
Ex. Speedometers, Seismograph

                             II.      Digital Computer
Work by calculating the binary digits.

Desktop (PC).

                             III.    Hybrid Computer
Machines used in hospitals like ECG (Electrocardiography) and DIALYSIS are the commonly used hybrid computers.

3.       3.   Based on Purpose

                                I.     General Purpose
Computers are used to solve variety of problems by changing the program or instructions

                             II.      Special Purpose
Automatic aircraft landing,multimedia computer



  • It is a collection of computer programs, procedures and related data.
  • It provides the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it.
  • It is used to control, integrate and manage the hardware components of a computer system.

1. System Software

  • It is a collection of programs.
  • It is directly responsible for controlling, integrating and managing the individual hardware components of a computer system.
  • System software also provides the interface between the user and components of the computer.

I. Operating System

  • It consists of programs, which control, coordinate and supervise the activities of the various components of a computer system.
  • Its function is to provide link between the computer hardware and the user
  • It provides an environment to run the programs. e.g. MS-DOS, Windows XP/2000/98, Unix, Linux, etc.

II. Device Drivers

A software, which is written with the objective of making a device functional when it is connected to the computer is called device driver.

III. Language Translator

  • It helps in converting programming languages to machine language. The translated program is called object code.

(i) Assembler

  • It is used to convert the assembly language into machine language (i.e. in the form of 0 or 1). This language consists of mnemonic codes.
  • It is difficult to learn and is machine dependent.

(ii) Compiler

  • It is used to convert the source code (written in high level language) into machine language.
  • Compiler reads whole source code in a single run and traps the errors and inform to the programmer.

(iii) Interpreter

  • This program converts a high-level language program into machine language by converting it line-by-line and execute it.

2. Application Software

  • It is a computer software designed to help the user to perform singular or multiple tasks. 
  • Are also called the end-user programs.

I. General Purpose Software

  •  Software that are used for any general purpose (or function).
  •  It allows users to do simple (general) computer tasks.

  1. Word Processing Software
  2. Presentation Software
  3. Electronic Spreadsheet
  4. Database Management System
  5. Desktop Publishing Software

II. Specific Purpose Software

  • These are created to execute one specific task.
  • Application software generally has one purpose to execute.

  1. Inventory Management System and Purchasing System
  2. Payroll Management System
  3. Hotel Management System
  4. Reservation System


3. System Utilities

These programs perform tasks related to the maintenance of the computer system.

I. Disk Compression

  • It increases the amount of information that can be stored on a hard disk by compressing all information stored on a hard disk. 
  • This utility works automatically and the user does not need to be aware of its existence.

II. Disk Fragmenter

  • It detects computer files whose contents are broken across several locations on the hard disk.
  • It moves the fragments to one location to increase efficiency.

III. Backup Utilities

  • It can make a copy of all information stored on a disk.
  • It restore either the entire disk or selected files.

IV. Disk Cleaners 

  • It is used to find files that have not been used for a long time. 
  • This utility also serves to increase the speed of a slow computer.

V. Antivirus or Virus Scanning 

  • It is the utility, which is used to scan computer for viruses.
  • It prevent the computer system files from being corrupt. e.g. Norton, Quick heal, etc.

IT Gadgets and their Applications

  • A gadget is a device that has a specific function, in addition usually has small dimensions.
  • It is very practical and is always in accordance with new technologies.

1. Tablet

  • It is a wireless touch screen Personal Computer (PC) that is smaller than a notebook but larger than a smart phone.
  • Most popular tablet computers are Apple Pad, Samsung Galaxy tab etc.

2. Smartphone

  • Smartphone is a cell phone that allows you to do more than make phone calls and send text messages.
  • Smartphones use browsers and other software like a computer system.

3. Smart Band

  • Smart bands are called smart bracelets or connected bracelets.
  • It has a simple form and its main function is to track and analyses movements during the day.

5. Smart Watch

  • Smart watch is a wearable computing device that closely resembles a wristwatch.
  • Many smart watches are connected to a smart phone that notifies the user of incoming calls,

6. Google Glass

  • It is a wearable computing device which comes with a head mounted display, in the form of eyeglasses.

7. Drone Camera

  • It is the captured of still images and video by a remotely-operated or autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
  • It is also known as Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) or more commonly as a drone

8. Spy Pen

  • Spy pen is an ordinary pen with a hidden digital camera concealed inside.
  • It allows user to take video, images often with the pen placed in a shirt pocket or held in a hand. It is used for protection, safety and even investigation.

Mobile Applications

  • Mobile applications (also known as mobile apps) are software programs developed for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
  • Most Widely used Mobile Apps in India

1. BHIM (Bharat Interface for Money) App

  • This app is used to make simple, easy and quick payment transactions using UPI (Unified Payment Interface).
  • BHIM app was launched by PM Narendra Modi on 30th December, 2016.
  • It has been named after the architect of the India’s Constitution Dr B R Ambedkar, the BHIM app is an aggregator of UPI services across various banks.
  • The aim to launch the BHIM app to make cashless payments.

2. IRCTC Connect App

  • IRCTC (Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation) has released its officials Android App called IRCTC Connect on 9th October, 2014.

3. Paytm App

  • Paytm is India’s largest mobile payments and commerce platform.
  • Paytm was founded on August 2010 by its founder Vijay Shekar Sharma in Noida

4. MyGov App

  • It is Government of India’s innovative citizen engagement platform direct citizen participation in governance by providing an avenue for channelizing their ideas and comments.
  • It was launched on 26th July, 2014.
  • Google became the first multinational firm to collaborate with MyGov.

5. DigiLocker App

  • It is a digital locker to store all official documents that are linked to both Aadhaar Card and cellphone numbers.
  • It was launched by Prime Minister on 1st July, 2015.
  • Initially, it had 100 MB space and was later increased to 1 GB.

6. GARV (Grameen Vidyutikaran) App

  • GARV app is used to monitor the progress of the rural electrification scheme and provides real time updates.
  • This app was launched in October 2015.

7. mPassport Seva App

  • It is a easy to use app that provides all the functions as available over the Passport Seva Portal such as New User Registration, existing user login etc.
  • It was launched on the occasion of Sixth Passport Seva Divas on 26th June, 2018

8. OnlineRTI

  • RTI India has launched a mobile application for Android phones.
  • This application works as a cross between a social networking site and an RTI encyclopedic help book.

9. Voter Helpline App

  • This app provides the convenience to all the people for finding their names in the electoral roll, submitting online forms, checking status of the application, filling complaints and receiving the reply.
  • It was launched in February 2019.

1. The basic functions of a computer system are to accept the input, process the input, output and to-  

(a) digital form  

(b) memory  

(c) store data  

(d) compute

Answer: c

2. ......... is a command given to a computer in the computer language by the user.  

(a)  Instruction  

(b) Information  

(c) Program  

(d) Data

Answer: a

3. Which generation of computer is covered by the period 1964-71?  

(a) First  

(b) Second  

(c) Third  

(d) Fourth

Answer: c

4. In third generation, ............... were used. 

(a) Vacuum tubes  

(b) Integrated circuits  

(c) Transistors  

(d) Large scale integrated circuits

Answer: b

5. Speed of third generation computers was measured in  

(a) millisecond  

(b) microsecond  

(c) nanosecond  

(d) picosecond

Answer: c

6. PCs are considered fourth generation and contain  

(a) information  

(b) data  

(c) vacuum tubes  

(d) microprocessors

Answer: d

7. Artificial intelligence is an example of  

(a) first generation computer  

(b) second generation computer  

(c) fourth generation computer  

(d) fifth generation computer

Answer: d

8. Laptops are  

(a) computers used in clinical laboratories  

(b) portable, light weight and can be fit into briefcase  

(c) hearing voice recognition system  

(d) desktop

Answer: b

9. A ........ is a large and expensive computer capable of performing scientific and business applications.  

(a) Super computer  

(b) Mainframe computer  

(c) Mini computer  

(d) Handheld computer

Answer: a

10. Analog computer works on the supply of  

(a) continuous electrical pulses  

(b) electrical pulses but not continue  

(c) magnetic strength  

(d) physical strength

Answer: a

11. Seismograph is an example of  

(a) Analog computer  

(b) Digital computer  

(c) Hybrid computer  

(d) All of these

Answer: a

12. The presence of computers can be seen in  

(a) education  

(b) banking  

(c) multimedia  

(d) All of these

Answer: d

13. Pointing device includes the following except  

(a) mouse  

(b) touch screen  

(c) trackball  

(d) keyboard

Answer: d

14. A joystick is primarily used to  

(a) control sound on the screen  

(b) computer gaming  

(c) enter text  

(d) draw pictures

Answer: b

15. A device, which is used for making drawings, graphics and for menu selection.  

(a) Keyboard  

(b) Mouse  

(c) Touch Screen  

(d) Light Pen

Answer: d

16. A device that makes copies and reproduces text and images is called  

(a) CPU  

(b) memory  

(c) printer  

(d) scanner

Answer: d

17. In abbreviation MICR, C stands for  

(a) Code  

(b) Color  

(c) Computer  

(d) Character

Answer: d

18. A barcode reader is an example of  

(a) processing device  

(b) storage device  

(c) input device  

(d) output device

Answer: c

19. What type of device is a digital camera?  

(a) Input  

(b) Output  

(c) Software  

(d) Storage

Answer: a

20. What is the function of an output device?  

(a) To send data to the computer  

(b) To store data  

(c) To give output to the user  

(d) To do mathematical calculations

Answer: c

21. The output devices make it possible to  

(a) view or print data  

(b) store data  

(c) scan data  

(d) None of these

Answer: a

22. Which type of printer cannot produce high quality print graphics?  

(a) Daisy wheel printer  

(b) Laser printer  

(c) Line printer  

(d) Chain printer

Answer: d

23. Which of the following produces high quality output?  

(a) Impact printer  

(b) Non-impact printer  

(c) Both (a) and (b)  

(d) Plotter

Answer: d

24. Resolution of laser printer is specified in terms of  

(a) DPI  

(b) LPM  

(c) CPM  

(d) PPM

Answer: a

25. Which of the following is an output device?  

(a) Keyboard  

(b) Biometric Sensor  

(c) Trackball  

(d) Plotter

Answer: d

26. Which of the following is a part of CPU?  

(a) ALU  

(b) Control unit  

(c) Both (a) and (b)  

(d) Disk drive

Answer: c

27. Arithmetic operations in ALU performs  

(a) addition  

(b) subtraction  

(c) multiplication  

(d) All of these

Answer: d

28. Arithmetic logic unit and control unit sections have special purpose location called  

(a) registers  

(b) RAM  

(c) BIOS  

(d) I/O

Answer: a

29. Which of the following is the magnetic storage device?  

(a) Hard disk  

(b) Compact disc  

(c) Audio tapes 

(d) All of these

Answer: a

30. Which of the following storage media provides sequential access only?  

(a) Floppy disk  

(b) Magnetic disk  

(c) Magnetic tape  

(d) Optical disc

Answer: c

31. Which one is a secondary storage device?  

(a) CD-ROM  

(b) RAM  

(c) Both (a) and (b)  

(d) None of the above

Answer: a

32. ...... is the smallest memory measurement unit.  

(a) Bit  

(b) Nibble  

(c) Byte  

(d) Mega

Answer: a

33. 1 Mega byte is equal to  

(a) 1000 KB  

(b) 1026 KB  

(c) 1024 KB  

(d) 1000 KB

Answer: c

34. What is the name given to Input-Output devices and external storage media together?  

(a) Hardware  

(b) Peripherals  

(c) Software  

(d) Control unit

Answer: b

35. The type of software are  

(a) word processing and spreadsheet  

(b) transaction and application  

(c) windows and Mac OS  

(d) system and application

Answer: d

36. Which of the following is not a system software?  

(a) Operating system  

(b) Compiler  

(c) Interpreter  

(d) MS-Office

Answer: d

37. Operating system is a  

(a) application software  

(b) system software  

(c) hardware  

(d) language

Answer: b

38. Translator program used in assembly language is called  

(a) compiler  

(b) interpreter  

(c) assembler  

(d) translator

Answer: c

39. Which type of software is designed to perform specific, personal, business or scientific processing tasks?  

(a) System  

(b) Application  

(c) GUI  

(d) Compiler

Answer: b

40. It is a set of instructions or programs designed for specific use or application that enable the user to interact with a computer are called  

(a) application software  

(b) operating system  

(c) instructions  

(d) system unit

Answer: a

41. Utility programs include  

(a) Virus scanning software  

(b) Backup software  

(c) Disk fragmenter 

(d) All of the above

Answer: d

42. Which of the following software is any computer software that is distributed with its source code available for modification?  

(a) Application softwaresoftware  

(b) System software  

(c) Open source software  

(d) Proprietary

Answer: c

43. Example(s) of open source software is/are  

(a) Linux  

(b) Unix  

(c) MySQL  

(d) All of these

Answer: d

44. This software is copyrighted and bears the limits against use.  

(a) Proprietary software  

(b) Open source software  

(c) Application software  

(d) System

Answer: a

45. …… is a device that has a specific function in addition usually has small dimensions.  

(a) Software  

(b) Gadget  

(c) Keyboard  

(d) Scanner

Answer: b

46. Which of the following is/are IT gadget?  

(a) Keyboard  

(b) Wrist watch  

(c) Smart watch  

(d) Joystick

Answer: c

47. Smart band is also known as  

(a) Smart bracelets  

(b) Connected bracelets  

(c) Both (a) and (b)  

(d) Smart watch

Answer: c

48. Which of the following is a wearable computing device which comes with a head mounted display in the form of eyeglasses?  

(a) Google glass  

(b) Drone camera  

(c) Spy pen  

(d) Smart goggle

Answer: a

49. This IT gadget is used for protection, safety and even investigation.  

(a) Drone camera  

(b) Smart watch  

(c) Bluetooth speaker 

(d) Spy pen

Answer: d

50. BHIM app is used to make simple, easy and quick payment transactions using  

(a) Password  

(b) UPI  

(c) Phone number 

(d) Aadhar number

Answer: b

51. App launched by IRCTC was known as  

(a) IRCTC Connect  

(b) IRCTC App  

(c) IRCTC Launcher Booking 


Answer: a

52. Paytm is India’s largest mobile payment and commerce platform founded by  

(a) Aditya Sharma  

(b) Vijay Shekhar Sharma 

(c) Sidhartha Sharma  

(d) Shekhar Verma

Answer: b

53. This mobile app reduces the use of physical documents and fake documents. What is this?  

(a) GARV app  

(b) DigiLocker app  

(c) MyGov app app 

(d) OnlineRTI

Answer: b

54. RTI India has launched a mobile application for …… phones.  

(a) Android  

(b) Apple  

(c) Symbian  

(d) BlackBerry

Answer: a

Introduction to Computer - CCC Reviewed by Syed Hafiz Choudhary on April 09, 2024 Rating: 5

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